Impact of Sugar on Skin : Explore how excessive sugar consumption can contribute to skin problems like acne and premature aging

Updated on & Medically Reviewed by Dr Lalitha
Impact of Sugar on Skin : Explore how excessive sugar consumption can contribute to skin problems like acne and premature aging
*** This Article is Written by Sneha Mukkavilli.

Impact of sugar on the skin

When we eat sugary foods, the sugar gets broken down into small molecules by enzymes in the small intestine and absorbed into the bloodstream, to be transported to the entire body. To maintain a stable blood sugar concentration, the pancreas continuously monitors the blood. When you consume sugar or carbs ( that finally get broken down into glucose), the blood sugar concentration will spike and the pancreas will release insulin, a hormone that starts a series of processes which reduce the blood sugar concentration. If you haven’t eaten in a long time, the pancreas will release glucagon, a hormone that starts a series of processes which increase the sugar concentration in the blood.

As mentioned already, consuming sugar or carbohydrates will increase glucose/sugar concentration in the bloodstream. When the blood sugar levels are in excess, this can induce a process called glycation which occurs when the release of insulin from the pancreas is not able to bring blood sugar levels back to normal. Glycation occurs when the sugars in the blood, bond to the proteins in the skin, including elastin and collagen, and can make the skin dry with wrinkles, speeding up the aging process.

The more glycation that occurs, the more the skin ages and winkles. This is why people who have diabetes may age faster than those who don’t.

Along with glycation, excess sugar consumption can also lead to changes in the type of collagen in your skin. There are 3 types of collagen: type 1, type 2, and type 3, with type 3 being the strongest and type 1 being the weakest. As glycation occurs, type 3 collagen gets turned into type 1, thus degrading the skin’s elasticity and strength.

Regular consumption of sugar can lead to damage of natural antioxidant enzymes, which protect the skin from reactive compounds in the air. Reduced action of these enzymes cause inflammation and oxidative stress from pollution, blue light, and even UV rays, which makes the skin age faster. Increased inflammation due to the damage of the skin can lead to acne.

Increased insulin production which occurs as a result of consuming too much sugar or carbs, also results in increased oil production in the skin, leading to more acne prone skin and blocked pores.

Signs that sugar is damaging your skin:

  1. Your skin looks stiff with uneven skin tone
  2. Deep lines appear on the upper lip
  3. Dry skin
  4. Laugh lines become more prominent
  5. Sagging skin near the jowl

Impact of sugar on aging

Aging is a normal part of getting older, but consuming too much sugar or carbs, quickens up this process.

The first way sugar can speed up the aging process is via the replication process of DNA. When your cells divide [to replace dead ones], the DNA inside does as well and each DNA strand ends up in one of the daughter cells. To protect the DNA from damage, a special protein called a telomere is present at the ends of the strands. Each time the DNA is read and replicated, the telomeres shorten, a very normal process. Sugar increases the rate of the shortening of the telomere and can speed up aging.

It’s important to keep a healthy balance of the foods you eat, so you can be nourished as well as satisfied. Here are some ways to cut down sugar & carbs, especially simple carbs from your diet to maximize the health of your body:

  1. Always read labels - check the labelings for all foods, especially packaged ones and ones that claim to be low in fat.
  2. Swap out sugary drinks - replace any cool drinks you take with water, milk, or unsweetened tea or coffee.
  3. Start the day with a filling breakfast - Have a nutritious breakfast with whole foods such as fruit, eggs and oatmeal.
  4. Don’t skip meals - Skipping meals can make you feel hungry later in the day and makes it more likely to binge eat, as well as heighten cravings for sugary foods.
  5. Eat something nutritious before the sweets - Before you eat the sugary food, eat something healthy, which includes foods with protein and fiber. This can help reduce the intensity of the craving and how much you end up eating.
  6. You can take caub cutter’s like Moderate Sugar Slayer before your meals or before eating sweets or drinking sugar laden beerages like cold coffees etc, this will help reduce the calories absorbed as well as blood sugar spikes. ( It is a plant based product and is safe to consume everyday.


Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, please talk to a healthcare professional.

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