When we consume sugars, they undergo a process of digestion and absorption in our bodies. In general, sugar has to be broken down into its simplest form i.e. glucose, fructose, or galactose molecules, to be absorbed into your blood, through the intestine wall.
Sugar Digestion Process
The exact process can vary slightly depending on the type of sugar and other factors, but below is a general overview of what happens to the sugars we eat.

1. Mouth:
Digestion of certain sugars begins in the mouth. Enzymes in saliva, such as amylase, start breaking down complex sugars into simpler forms.
2. Stomach:
Once the sugar-rich food reaches the stomach, further breakdown continues through the action of stomach acid and enzymes.
3. Small Intestine:
The majority of sugar digestion and absorption occurs in the small intestine. The pancreas releases digestive enzymes, including sucrase, lactase, and maltase, which help break down different types of sugars into their components.
- Sucrose (Table sugar): Sucrase splits sucrose into glucose and fructose.
- Lactose (Milk Sugar): Lactase breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose.
- Maltose: Maltase breaks down maltose into two glucose molecules.
These individual sugar molecules are then absorbed through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream.
4. Bloodstream:
Once absorbed, the sugar molecules (Glucose molecules) enter the bloodstream and are transported throughout the body to provide energy to cells. The sugar in the bloodstream can be used immediately for energy or stored for later use.
5. Insulin Regulation:
To maintain stable blood sugar levels, the pancreas releases insulin in response to increased blood sugar levels. Insulin facilitates the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream into cells, where it can be used as an energy source or stored as glycogen (the storage form of excess sugar) in the liver and muscles.
[ Read: How Do Blood Sugar Levels Fluctuate Over Time After Meal? ]
6. Storage:
If there is an excess of sugar, beyond the immediate energy needs of the body, it can be converted into glycogen and stored in the liver and muscles. Once these storage sites are filled, any remaining excess sugar is converted into fat and stored in adipose tissue.
7. Energy Utilization:
When the body requires energy, it can convert stored glycogen back into glucose and release it into the bloodstream. This glucose is then used by cells for energy production.
It's worth noting that different sugars may have varying effects on blood sugar levels and overall health. The rate of sugar absorption can be influenced by factors such as the presence of fiber, fat, or protein in a meal, which can slow down digestion and reduce blood sugar spikes. Additionally, excessive consumption of sugar, especially in the form of added sugars, can have negative health effects and contribute to issues like weight gain, dental problems, and metabolic disorders if not consumed in moderation.
We have an alternate option for moderating blood sugar levels which helps to sustain energy and promotes overall health and well-being it is difficult to add each meal with a well-balanced diet so don’t worry we have Moderate.
Moderate is a trademarked natural botanical extract that offers significant advantages for your body. By incorporating this tablet into your diet, you can reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and calories by up to 40% after consumption eat the same quantity of food, yet up to 40% of calories and sugar pass out of the body without being absorbed.
Scientifically proven to be safe and effective, Moderate tablet also helps minimize post-meal sugar and insulin spikes by a similar percentage. Moreover, it aids in controlling hunger pangs, maintaining stable blood sugar levels, and promoting gut health and microbial development, contributing to overall well-being. To experience maximum benefits, taking Moderate tablet 10 minutes before a meal is recommended, as it effectively slows down carbohydrate breakdown and reduces glucose absorption. This results in a notable decrease in post-meal blood sugar levels and calorie load by up to 40%.
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*** This Article is Written by Swetha Ramala, MSc. in Food, Nutrition & Dietetics. |