Works on all your favorite carbs and sugars
Unwavering Commitment to Quality. Scientific Excellence
At Moderate, your health and well being is our top priority.
That’s why Moderate has undergone extensive clinical testing.
The results?
Nothing short of extraordinary!
Reduce upto 40% calories, sugars and carbs
Helps Manage Blood Sugar
Helps aid weight management
Curbs cravings
For a deeper dive into the science behind Moder/ate™, visit our Science page
Or scroll down to discover how Moderate will transform your health, one meal at a time.
Listen to What Others have Experienced with Moderate!
How to Use Moderate Tablet?
Take 1 tablet just before the meal
Consume the meal/beverage as desired
Experience the science of moderate on your sugar, energy & weight
Why Should You Choose Moderate Tablet?
See what others have to say about moderate

100% Natural Proprietary Trademarked Botanical Extract with No Chemicals
Moderate tablet is made from natural ingredients and doesn't contain any artificial chemicals. It is a proprietary blend, which means that the specific ingredients used in the product are unique to this product.

Temporarily blocks Enzymes that Convert Complex Carbs to Simple Sugars.
Moderate has been studied and shown to block enzymes in the gut that convert complex carbohydrates into simple sugars that can be absorbed into the body. This means that the product can reduce the amount of sugar and calories that are absorbed into the body from carb-rich meals.

Does Not Impact Regular Nutrient Intake:
Moderate tablet does not interfere with the absorption of regular nutrients from food, so it is safe to take without worrying about nutrient deficiencies.

Safe and Free from Side Effects or Adverse Effects at the Recommended Doses
Moderate tablet has been tested and found to be safe at recommended doses, with no reported side effects or adverse effects.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What does Moderate Calorie Crusher do?
Moderate is a science-backed ayurvedic dietary supplement designed to support healthy calorie moderation by temporarily blocking the absorption of starchy carbohydrates (like bread, pasta, rice, poha, paratha etc.) and complex sugars (sweets) like table sugar. Its key ingredients white mulberry leaf & green apple peel extract, acts as an enzyme (alpha-glucosidase) inhibitor, which helps reduce the breakdown and subsequent calories absorbed from carbs & sugars.
How do I use Moderate?
Take 1 tablet with a glass of water just before a meal containing starchy carbs or sugars. For best results, pair with a balanced diet and active lifestyle.
Is this safe? Are there side effects?
Moderate is generally safe for healthy adults. Rare side effects in very few people may include mild bloating or gas due to undigested carbs moving through the gut (this means it’s working!). But this lasts only for 2-3 days till your body gets adjusted. Avoid if pregnant, nursing or suffering from hepatic or renal concerns.
How long until I see results?
For weight management, please use consistently for 90 days alongside healthy diet and exercise.
Is this vegan/non-GMO?
Yes! Moderate calorie crusher is vegan-friendly, non-GMO, and gluten-free.
How does Moderate Calorie Crusher work?
Calorie Crusher blocks enzymes in your digestive tract that break down complex carbs into absorbable sugars. This means fewer calories from starchy & sugary foods enter your bloodstream, supporting weight management. A calorie deficit is created despite having the same amount of food.