Top 10 Best Fruits for Weight Loss

Updated on & Medically Reviewed by Dr Lalitha
Best Fruits for Weight Loss

Since losing weight involves sticking to a strict routine that includes both food limitations and physical activity, most people find it difficult to enjoy the process of losing weight.

Some people try to lose excess weight and keep their bodies trim just by following a balanced diet. This involves increasing the amount of fibre, protein, and minerals in your diet. You may make losing weight enjoyable by including controlled amounts of delicious, vibrant, and healthful foods in your weekly menu plan.

In this blog, let’s see the top fruits for weight loss.

Best Fruits for Weight Loss:

Including fruits in your weight loss journey is a smart choice due to their minimal fat content and rich nutritional profile. Packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein, they provide essential elements for overall health and fitness.  However do keep in mind that excess fruit sugars may play havoc with your diet and blood sugar levels.

These fruits are easily available and great for weight loss. They also help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Let’s see the top 10 fruits, that help in the weight loss journey.

1. Apples:


Apples are one of the world's favourite fruits, originally from Central Asia and growing on apple trees (Malus domestica).

They're both tasty and healthy, rich in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Despite being low in calories, they're quite filling. Studies have even shown that eating apples can have several health benefits.(Ref.)

Most people enjoy apples raw, but they're also versatile in recipes, juices, and drinks. With different types available in various colors and sizes, apples offer a wide range of options to suit different preferences.

Apples are low in Glycemic Index, which Scores between 32-38.

Nutritive Value of Apple:

Here are the nutritious facts (Ref.) of one raw, unpeeled medium-sized apple (183 gms).

Calories 95
Carbs 25 gms
protein 0.3 gms
sugar 10.4 gms 
Fat 0 gms
Vitamin C 14% OF RDI
Vitamin K 5% of RDI
Potassium 6% of RDI
Water 86%

2. Berries


Berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are not just delicious, but they also have a wealth of health advantages. According to recent studies, they offer anti-obesity properties. (Ref.)

These fruits are low in calories and high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Blueberries supply vitamin K for healthy bones, while strawberries offer vitamin C and manganese. Berries have anti-inflammatory qualities, lower blood pressure, and cholesterol, and make you feel fuller faster. For a delicious and healthful treat, eat them whole or add them to salads, baked goods, and smoothies.

The Glycemic Index is less than 40.

Nutritional Value of Berries:

  • Strawberries: 46 Calories, 11.1 g Carbs, 7 g Sugar, 1 g Protein, 0.4 g Fat, 1.4 g sodium, 2.9g fiber.
  • Blueberries: 84 Calories, 21 g Carbs, 14.7 g Sugar, 1 g Protein, 0.5 g Fat, 1.5 g Sodium, 3.6 g Fiber.
  • Raspberries: 64 Calories, 14.7 g Carbs, 5.4 g Sugar, 1.5 g Protein, 0.8 g Fat, 1.2 g Sodium, 8 g Fiber.

3. Oranges


Oranges are a weight-loss-friendly fruit that's easy to include in your diet. They're low in calories, high in fiber, and great for making nutritious smoothies and salads. As per the study, the fiber in oranges promotes a feeling of fullness, aiding in weight loss by reducing overall calorie intake. (Ref.)

Additionally, their vitamin C content supports a healthy metabolism. Regular consumption of oranges supports digestion, reduces bloating, and may help counteract the effects of obesity. Including oranges in your diet can contribute to successful weight loss and overall well-being.

Oranges are considered a Low Glycemic Index food which scores between 43 and 52.

Nutritive Value of Orange:

Here are the nutritious facts for one Orange (140 gm).

Calories 66
Carbs 15  gms
Fibre 3 gms
Sugar 12 gms
Protein 1-1.3 gms
Fat  0.2 gms
Vitamin A 14 mcgms
Vitamin C 92% of Daily Value(DV)
Potassium 5% of DV
Calcium 5% of DV
Folate  9% of DV

4. Melons:


Melons, such as watermelon, musk melon, and honeydew, can be great choices if you're trying to lose weight. These fruits are packed with water which can help keep you hydrated, and studies have shown that staying hydrated is important for successful weight management. However do eat in limited quantities, in view of the sugar content. (Ref. 1, Ref. 2)

Additionally, these fruits are low in calories and can be a great addition to any weight loss diet. Watermelon, for example, not only keeps you hydrated, but also provides fiber, essential micronutrients, and the amino acid arginine, which is known for its fat-burning properties.

Melons are high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. However, people with diabetes need to be aware of their glycemic index. Enjoy melons in salads or as a cool snack; research suggests that eating them whole makes you feel fuller than drinking juice. (Ref.)

Nutritional Value of Melons:

  • In 100 gms of Watermelon: 30 calories, 7.6 g carbs, fiber 0.4 g, sugars 6.2 g, protein 0.6 g, fat 0.1 g, calcium 7 mg, Potassium 112 mg.
  • In 100 gms of Muskmelon: 34 calories, 8 g carbs, 0.9 g fibre, 8g sugar, protein 0.8g, 0.2 g fat,
  • In 100 gms of Honeydew: 36 calories, 9.1 g of Carbs, 0.8g fiber, 8.1 g of sugar, 0.5 g of protein, 228 mg of potassium, and 6mg of calcium.

5. Pomegranate:


Pomegranates are rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals but low in calories and fat. The fruit is an excellent source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin c, and zinc.

Pomegranates contain compounds like gallic, oleanolic, ursolic, and gallic acids with anti-diabetic properties. Research suggests that pomegranate juice and peel extract may enhance insulin sensitivity, providing potential advantages for those with diabetes.

Pomegranate extracts have been shown in recent studies to have advantageous benefits in reducing body weight. The presence of anthocyanins, tannins, and extremely high concentrations of polyphenols and flavonoids is linked to many of the positive effects.

Pomegranate has the low glycemic index which scores between 18-53 (Ref.)

Nutritive Value of Pomegranate:

Here are the nutrition facts of 1 Pomegranate (282 gm) 

Calories 234
Carbs 29 g
Sugar 38. 6 g
Fibre 11.3 g
Protein 4.7 g
Fat 3.3 g
Magnesium 33.8 g
Iron 0.8 mg

6. Papaya


For many years, papayas have been a fruit popular for weight loss. According to a study, papaya has qualities that may help in controlling obesity and maintaining body weight. 

Papain, an enzyme found in this fruit, increases metabolism and aids in the breakdown of food in the body. This prevents your body from retaining too much fat and helps you lose weight.

Additionally, it minimizes constipation and bloating. Papayas are also a good source of flavonoids, antioxidants, and vitamin C. Papayas can be eaten raw or blended into a smoothie.

Papaya has a moderate glycemic Index which scores 60.

Nutritive Value of Papaya:

Here we have the nutritional facts of one small papaya (152 grams) contains:

Cals 59
Carbs 15 gms
Fiber 3 gms
Protein 1 gm
Vitamin C 157% of RDI
Vitamin A 3% of RDI
Vitamin B9 14% of RDI
Potassium 11% of RDI

7. Kiwi:


Kiwis are excellent fruits for weight loss, as they contain a high amount of water, low calories, and significant fiber. These fruits are perfect for snacks or breakfast smoothies. Kiwis are also rich in vitamin C, which is crucial for weight reduction. Vitamin C helps control blood pressure, manage cholesterol, and promote gut health and immune support. Moreover, it plays a vital role in metabolizing fats, making it essential for those who are on a weight loss journey.

According to studies, eating at least two kiwis per week can help reduce waist size and burn belly fat. Kiwis are a good choice for those with diabetes because of their low glycemic index. (Ref.)

Kiwi has low Glycemic Index which is 55.

Nutritive Value of Kiwi:

Calories 61 gms
Fat 0.5 g
Carbs 15 g
Sugar 9 g
Fat 3 g
Protein 1.1 g
Vitamin C 154% of DV
Magnesium  4% of DV

8. Pears


Pears are a great food to include in a weight loss diet as they are rich in fiber, which helps you feel full for longer periods, preventing you from snacking at odd hours.

They are also high in water content, making them low in calories but high in volume. Moreover, pears help promote healthy digestion, which is crucial for a healthy weight loss journey as it helps fight constipation. A healthy digestive system is linked with healthy weight loss.

Another fantastic benefit of eating pears regularly is that they provide a powerful energy boost. Pears are also known to fight against coronary heart disease and type II diabetes. They are effective in reducing cholesterol levels and improving cardiac health. You can consume pears raw in salads or add them to baked dishes like tarts or pies.

Nutritive Value of Pears:

Let’s see the nutritional fats of one medium sized pear.

Calories 101
Protein 1 g
Carbs 27 gms
Fibre 6 g
Fat 1 g
Vitamin C 12% of DV
Vitamin K 6% of DV
Copper 16% of DV

9. Grapes


Their high water content promotes a feeling of fullness, encouraging you to eat less and aiding in the body's use of stored fat for energy. Additionally, the water in grapes helps eliminate toxins, preventing a slowdown in metabolism. Including grapes in your meals can enhance satisfaction, preventing overeating.

However grapes should be eaten in limited quantities as their sugar content can be high.

Grapes contain a compound known as resveratrol. Studies show that it increases fat burning by improving the body's fatty acid metabolization process. (Ref.)

Grapes have a low to Moderate Glycemic Index which is averaged at 53.

Nutritive Value of Grapes:

Every 100gms of grapes contains:

Calories 69
Fat 0.2 g
Carbs 16.5 g
Sugar 15 g
Fibre 1 g
Protein 0.5-1 g
Sodium 2 mg
Potassium 191 mg

10. Pineapple


Pineapple, not just a delicious summer treat, plays a role in weight loss by serving as a low-calorie snack alternative. The enzyme bromelain, it enhances nutrient absorption, breaks down protein for increased energy from fat, and supports digestion, essential for a faster metabolism. Do not overeat though, it does have plant sugars in it and has a moderately high Glycemic Index.

Fruit has a high fibre content both soluble and insoluble fibers it fills you up and prevents you from overindulging in snacks. For those who are trying to lose weight, include pineapple in your diet is a tasty and practical strategy. (Ref.)

Glycemic Index of Pineapple is between 51 and 72.

Nutritive Value of Pineapple:

For 100gms of Pineapple, contains

Calories 56.2
Carbs 9.42 g
Protein 0.52 g
Fibre 3.46 g
Fat 0.16 g
Potassium 37 mg
Magnesium 33 mg
Vitamin A 18 mcg
Vitamin C 34 mg

Choosing fruits over junk food is a smart strategy for weight loss. Most fruits are low in calories, rich in fiber, and packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, supporting both weight management and overall health. Their fiber content boosts metabolism and keeps you feeling full, reducing the temptation to snack on unhealthy foods. Regular fruit consumption helps curb sugar cravings, making it easier to maintain a balanced diet and avoid unnecessary calories from processed snacks. Do eat in moderation, over indulging in fruits may not lead to weight loss.

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*** This Article is Written by Swetha Ramala, MSc. in Food, Nutrition & Dietetics.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, please talk to a healthcare professional.

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