Moderate Blog

Health Benefits of Mulberry Leaves

Mulberry Leaves Benefits and Uses | How to Prepare Mulber...

Mulberry trees have flavorful berries that are consumed all over the world and are frequently referred to as superfoods because of the high concentration of vitamins, minerals, and potent plant...

What is Food Combining?

What is Food Combining?

Food combining is a dietary approach that suggests certain foods should be eaten together or separately based on their macronutrient composition to optimize digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall health. It...

Sugarcane Juice Benefits and Side Effects

Sugarcane Juice Benefits and Side Effects

Sugarcane juice, extracted from the tall, fibrous sugarcane plant, has been a beloved beverage in many cultures for centuries. Known for its refreshing taste and natural sweetness. Sugarcane juice is...

Sabja Seeds (Basil Seeds) Benefits and Side Effects

Sabja Seeds (Basil Seeds) Benefits and Side Effects

Sabja seeds, also known as basil seeds or tukmaria seeds, have gained popularity in recent years for their numerous health benefits. These tiny black seeds are derived from the basil...


Effective Weight Loss Tips and Home Remedies for Men and ...

Maintaining a healthy weight is not just about aesthetics; it's a crucial aspect of overall well-being. Achieving and sustaining a healthy weight involves a combination of mindful eating, regular physical...

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Is Mulberry Good for Diabetics? What are the Health Benefits of Mulberry?

Is Mulberry Good for Diabetics? What are the Health Benef...

Millions of individuals worldwide are affected by diabetes, a common and complicated metabolic disorder. While managing diabetes requires a careful balance of diet, exercise, and medication, incorporating certain nutraceuticals and...


15 Best Protein-Rich Foods for Weight Loss in India

Have you ever wondered why high-protein diets are popular among fitness enthusiasts? Why is protein considered a superhero nutrient, and how does it impact our body's health and well-being? Well,...


Glycemic Index Chart of Foods in India

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure used to rank carbohydrates in food based on their effect on blood glucose levels. It is a relative scale that compares the rate...


Why Do We Feel Sleepy After Eating?

Have you ever felt a sudden, strong impulse to sleep right after eating? If so, you're not alone. Feeling sleepy after eating a heavy meal is a common phenomenon known...


Sugar Digestion Process: How is Sugar Digested in the Body?

When we consume sugars, they undergo a process of digestion and absorption in our bodies. In general, sugar has to be broken down into its simplest form i.e. glucose, fructose,...


Unlocking the Secrets: How Non-Sweet Foods Can Still Rais...

When it comes to blood sugar levels, many people associate spikes with sweet-tasting foods. However, the truth is that the taste of sweetness is not the sole factor that influences...


Sugar Rush (Temporary Hyperglycemia): Causes, Symptoms an...

Have you ever wondered about the famous "sugar rush" phenomenon? Is there any scientific evidence to support its existence, or is it merely a product of folklore? In this article,...


How Stress Impacts Blood Sugar Levels in the Non Diabetics?

Stress has become an unwelcome companion for many in our fast-paced and demanding lives. We often associate stress with its psychological effects, but did you know that it can also...


How Stress Affects Blood Sugar Levels in People with Diab...

Have You Ever Wondered How Stress can Impact Individuals Living with Diabetes?  Can Stress Raise Blood Sugar Levels? YES! Understanding the link between stress and diabetes is crucial for effectively managing...


How to Balance Blood Sugar Levels Even After Eating Sugar...

When you eat foods high in sugar, blood sugar levels tend to rise (sugar rush). This is because carbohydrates, including sugars, are broken down into glucose during digestion. Glucose is...


How Do Blood Sugar Levels Fluctuate Over Time After Meal?

After a meal, the levels of blood sugar (Blood glucose levels) in the body go through a dynamic process of fluctuation. The graph of blood sugar levels over time typically...


Why Excess Sugar Consumption is Bad and Too Harmful for Y...

In today's fast-paced world, sugar has become a ubiquitous part of our diets. Sugar seemed to find its way into practically everything we consume, from a morning cup of sweetened...


What is Blood Sugar Crash (Reactive Hypoglycemia)?

A sugar crash, also known as a "sugar low" or "sugar comedown," medically known as “hypoglycemia” refers to the phenomenon of experiencing a sudden drop in blood sugar levels after...